Jul 24, 2009

They didn't even walk on the moon..

On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 landed on the moon. The U.S. was deeply impacted by this and it opened the eyes for many people to know that the sky is not the limit.

But earlier this month, NASA acknowledged the fact that they "lost" the footage. Really?? So you can put a man on the moon, but you don't have sense enough to keep the original footage. That's Bogus.

"In an embarrassing acknowledgment, the space agency said Thursday that it must have erased the Apollo 11 moon footage years ago so that it could reuse the videotape."

I'm sorry yall but I just don't believe this story. That tape should have been kept in the highest care once they landed on the ground. Something sounds a little suspicious to me... and they should be embarrassed. shoot. lol. They didnt go to no dang moon; they were just lolly-gaggin up there for a week lol

"one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,"....yea right.

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