Okay I'm just a little fed up with stuff lately. Why is it that friends *ahem* "friends" think that you are obligated to tell them everything you do? Like thats not healthy. Everyone has their own life, and a real friend needs to respect it if you don't want to tell then certain aspects of your life. I would totally undestand if a friend chose to tell someone else a other than me. Maybe I'm different, but stuff like that doesnt bother me. I feel like wanting to keep somethings out of the picture should be understandable, not unforgivable. And if you already know I don't want to talk to you about a certain situation then don't be suprised when I lie to you just so you can get out of my face. I told you already. Thats just imature and a waste of both our lives to be mad over me "not tellin you everything". I just dont get it, and never will. I feel like I'm in eighth grade again; apparently I "broke the bestfriend code". LOL. Wow. You know whats funny is if this situation was reversed, i wouldnt care. All i know is your my friend, and I'm not ur stalker and i dont need every detail about you to know what kind of person you are (spoken generally). Friends are for advice, comfort, love, and laughter. You don't need to waste time on pointless stuff. But people are gonna do whatever they want, thats all i know. They say some people are in your life only for a season, like leaves; they past through only for learning purposes. But others are there forever, like the roots of a tree, they are there because you need them. I always thought our friendship was one like a root; but right now it looks a little foggy. Regardless I love her, I just get kkind of weary when things are so unstable.
I'll leave you with some wise words:
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. ~Elisabeth Foley
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