Jul 31, 2009

The Excitement is Buiding :)

So August is coming up, and I cant wait to get to L.A. to get started with the youth leadership institute. I'll be one of the panelist for the Teen Town Hall Meeting so you should def tune in.

The Teen Town Hall meeting moderated by Tavis Smiley will take place Saturday, August 8 from 7 pm – 9 pm PST. Tell your family to log onto http://www.youthtoleaders.org/ to watch it live. The topic is How History Shapes the Future. Panelists include Dr. Cornel West, Dr. Eddie Glaude, Dr. Brenda Stevenson, Sandra Evers-Manley, Caleb Farmer, Erica Lathan, Austin Roye, and Jasmine Haynes. Get ready to voice your opinion! Live Stream Schedule: Tune to http://www.youthtoleaders.org/ for the complete schedule of sessions to watch online.

I hope everything goes well. Got my fingers crossed! :)

Jul 30, 2009

erykah badu

is bad.

She deserves wayyyyy more props than she gets.. girl has a style outta this world.
And she has my name! who can ask for more?

Peace and Hair Grease


Okay I'm just a little fed up with stuff lately. Why is it that friends *ahem* "friends" think that you are obligated to tell them everything you do? Like thats not healthy. Everyone has their own life, and a real friend needs to respect it if you don't want to tell then certain aspects of your life. I would totally undestand if a friend chose to tell someone else a other than me. Maybe I'm different, but stuff like that doesnt bother me. I feel like wanting to keep somethings out of the picture should be understandable, not unforgivable. And if you already know I don't want to talk to you about a certain situation then don't be suprised when I lie to you just so you can get out of my face. I told you already. Thats just imature and a waste of both our lives to be mad over me "not tellin you everything". I just dont get it, and never will. I feel like I'm in eighth grade again; apparently I "broke the bestfriend code". LOL. Wow. You know whats funny is if this situation was reversed, i wouldnt care. All i know is your my friend, and I'm not ur stalker and i dont need every detail about you to know what kind of person you are (spoken generally). Friends are for advice, comfort, love, and laughter. You don't need to waste time on pointless stuff. But people are gonna do whatever they want, thats all i know. They say some people are in your life only for a season, like leaves; they past through only for learning purposes. But others are there forever, like the roots of a tree, they are there because you need them. I always thought our friendship was one like a root; but right now it looks a little foggy. Regardless I love her, I just get kkind of weary when things are so unstable.

I'll leave you with some wise words:

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. ~Elisabeth Foley


Jul 24, 2009

They didn't even walk on the moon..

On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 landed on the moon. The U.S. was deeply impacted by this and it opened the eyes for many people to know that the sky is not the limit.

But earlier this month, NASA acknowledged the fact that they "lost" the footage. Really?? So you can put a man on the moon, but you don't have sense enough to keep the original footage. That's Bogus.

"In an embarrassing acknowledgment, the space agency said Thursday that it must have erased the Apollo 11 moon footage years ago so that it could reuse the videotape."

I'm sorry yall but I just don't believe this story. That tape should have been kept in the highest care once they landed on the ground. Something sounds a little suspicious to me... and they should be embarrassed. shoot. lol. They didnt go to no dang moon; they were just lolly-gaggin up there for a week lol

"one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,"....yea right.

Jul 22, 2009

Cap & Gown pictures.

why the heck are people already taking them? Losers.

Jul 21, 2009

The Good Ol' Days

Do you ever think back on your life and wish that things could be the way they used to be? Before all the family drama and boys and back-stabbing friends; before you knew the truth about things. Back when all you knew was you had better be in the house when the street lights came on lol. *sigh. As much as I love the fact that I am growing up and maturing into a bright young woman, I sometimes find myself wishing to be back in elementary school with no problems in life. I was looking back at some old pictures and so many memories came rushing back to me :( I miss old times

But anyways.Lol. enough with all of that. I found some pics on my other computer of me and my family from a few years ago(I think..idk)... but anyways, enjoy..

me and ashley in 10th grade.. haa.

at the studio in Dallas

Makenzie and PaPa

Me and Uncle Antwone

Jul 20, 2009


Low key, I really miss my freshman year :(
The freshman center was ratchett, but fun.. and track was bomb... I miss how fun things used to be :(

I'll put some pics on here later..

I gotta movie to catch!

Jul 19, 2009

So I've been told..

Okay I don't know if this is weird or not, but I compare people to animals. lol but no joke, I really do. So I decided to tell some of friends what animal they looked like, and though this may seem mean to other people, I think its totally normal LOL. But I don't know why expected to get away with this "name-calling" without them telling me what I looked like.

So, apparently, Ya girl resembles a meerkat. lol, yea, I said MEERKAT. phaha its funny though because my dumb butt looked in the mirror and considered it. haa. But I've always been compared to some sort of little furry animal... why that is, I have no idea. But low key I've been called Giraffe too... I'm kind of tall (5'8 to be exact.) But I just thought I'd write about this animal phenomenon lol.

rrrawwwrrrr I'm fierce! :)

Who Would Have Thought???

This weekend one of my cousins that I haven't seen in ages came over :) her name is Jocilyn and she's pretty bomb, just like me. She just graduated from UNT *handclaps* and is a true bossette. we were talking and she told me that she started working with a guy named Mike Lathan, and she soon found out that they were related (as cousins). And that got me to thinking of something that I've wondered for a while now. Am I related to Sanaa Lathan? I've always joked around about it with people but I waa never really sure of it. But Jocilyn informed me that indeed we are related to the wonderful Sanaa Lathan. Of course I was skeptical, but the man she worked with actually had papers to prove it ( idk how you have papers to prove your relation to someone lol) but as for now, I'm a believer :) . It's nothin to be mad about, thats for sure. Maybe while I'm in Cali I can get in touch with her hahaa.

Any resemblance?? Lol. (I do see some though I ain't gonna lie haa)

Ced tha Man

I think all of the world should get to know Shedrick Davis aka Ceddi :)

He's super duper cool and he always knows what to say to make you laugh.

Ced aint your average dude; guys gotta master plan to take over the world, and I'll be right there with him. lol.

I told the guy I'd give him his own post, so here it is..

Ced is THA MAN.

Ced is A BOSS.


Point blank.

Jul 18, 2009

A True Boss Lady

I've noticed lately that alot of girls claime to be a "boss lady" or any other name to describe a woman thats on her grind. But what describes a true boss lady? Someone who doesnt have to display on her Twitter/facebook/myspace that shes an "independent" woman thats gettin stuff done. I think theres no need to constantly have to remind others of your "pro-status" and brag about being a "local celebrity". haa sure. But if you are really 'bout yo business, by all means sweety get yo paper. But I don't see the reason to flaunt it. If you a true boss lady, like I (lol but no joke), everyone one who knows you or knows of you, realizes it. All guys/gals in my life know that I'm not too fond of games, and baby girl is def bout her dollars :) . But you won't see Bad_Barbie09 as my Default or Twitter name lol ; you'll see Erica. That is my name and thats is how I want to be known.

Keep it Real,


Jul 17, 2009


I have decided that I am officially taking applications for potential boyfriend canidates.

Requirements: Must be Extremely intelligent (I have to be able to converse with you)

Must be a Cutie pie :))

Must be a senior in HS

Must love dogs lol jk

Must keep me laughin :D

Must love my blog duh.!

Must understand that I do silly things from time to time (like make blogs like this one)

Last but not least, must be the BADDEST. Point blank.


I Should Probably... But I won't.

I should probably be reading my book, Grendel. But for some reason, I just refuse to. lol. The same way i refuse to workout (which is taking a toll on me)... Erica needs some will power, and she needs it now. Too bad you can't buy that stuff, I would be the first one in line! haa. I can't count how many times I've told myself I would do my crunches and run a mile... ugh I need a personal trainer!! I don't think there is anyway I could get the same workout I did in athletics unless someone is there making me do everything. I actually want to "feel the burn!" but I can't really get to that point because I'm just lazy.. I just don't want to end up like the half-ton teen I saw on Discovery Health channel.*trembles.

Oh well, atleast I would be happy! :)

Food and Love.


Go and Take a Look See

Little did I know, my mom has a blog too!! First a facebook, then a twitter, now this!! You go Techno-Mom!

I'm following her blog, and it's called "Being Black in the Obama Age".

I think she only has one post, but its BOMB tho! Where do you think I get it from??

Jul 16, 2009

Guess what?

I love my blog. (: :)


You all get two tickets and a Walmart giftcard from the fashion police!
Why,Jesus, why???

From left to right: Daughter, Grandmother, Mother. LOL.

This site makes me laugh madd hard. But dang. C'mon black people, are yall forreal?! LOL.

Jul 15, 2009

Summer Reading

Horray for every AP student! You get to read horribly boring books during the summer! woo-hoo. I'm starting to wonder if it has become a requirement for all books to be impossible to get through. This is the summer before my senior year, and I have to read Grendel. Really?? Grendel? smh. I have nothing else to say about that. But guess what?? I got my AP scores back(after waiting three months!) and I passed both of my test!!! :))))))) One semester of college english and history complete. YESSSSSSS. Hard work pays off, and any accomplishment is an excuse to party, that's my motto.. so grab a drink (non-alcoholic, of course!) and wind down.

Jul 14, 2009

okay, okay

This is going to be my last post of the day. I promise. I just wanted you to follow me on twitter!


Picking a College

Lately the main thing on my mind has been what school I will attend after I graduate. I didn't know that the simple question "where do you want to go to school?" could be so complex. I've always wanted to go to a well known school, but lately I've been looking at Historically Black Colleges and Universities.... Is the fact that there are gorgeous black guys everywhere not a good reason? LOL. And its always poppin :)

Clark Atlanta seems like a fun place that offers a lot of opportunities, but the thought of leaving Texas is a little overwhelming at times. But since I want to go to a HBCU, Texas is out of the question. The only black schools in Texas are TSU, Texas College, Wiley College, Paul-Quinn College(which is on the brink of losing all accreditation) and maybe some other lame school that I forgot LOL. My main choices right now are Clark Atlanta, Howard Univ, Texas State Univ(it's in San Marcos, that's enough of a reason lol), Hampton University, Fisk University,and Spelman College. *sigh... Decisions, decisions.... :)

Just Rude.

Oh do I have a story for you. I think you should have a seat before I tell you this, because if you're anything like me you'll get extra heated. So while i was out of town visiting family, Me and my cousins decided to go to the hotel we were staying at to swim. So as we walked in the entrance, I notice this old white man just staring at us like we have three heads. But I didnt pay that no mind. So we went to the elevator and when it opened it didnt look like anyone was inside so we began to walk in. But out of the side of the elevator came this old white man so we moved out of his way so he could get out. And guess what this loser had the audacity to say to us? "Can I get out?" "um can I get out?" ...like we weren't moving out of his way.. he said it like five times. And my dumb butt was confused cuz I thought he was just being sarcastic and was going to start laughing any moment now.. but no laughing, just this ugly scowl on his face. REALLY???....Naa, I must be trippin...smh.
Nope, he really just went there. God forgive me, but I will hit an old person lol. And to top it off, as we walk out towards the pool, the two people at the desk stop us and make sure all of our names are on the hotel list.
SMMHHHHH! ughhhh God I swear the devil just be testin my patience!!!
okay, I'm done ranting about this situation. Now I done forgot what I was gonna talk to you about. smh.
Patience is the key,

Tavis Smiley Youth Leadership Institute

I think a lot of people should attend events like this. We need more social and intellectual activity between our generation. It's going to be held at UCLA in August and will basically be a conference for youth leaders and also have guest speakers like Dr. Cornell West, Les Brown and more. I love listening to experienced proffessionals and getting a different viewpiont of the world through other people's perspective. So that's why yours truly will def be attending.
And I just found out that I will be one of the four panelist to discuss issues of today's youth. (Personally, I don't think anythings wrong with my generation, we're just misunderstood =] ) I'm too hype. haa. This summer will hold alot of changes for me, and I will accept them all with a smile. Hopefully I can start my networking while I'm in Cali lol. Hey, dreams are dreams :)

Jul 13, 2009

It's Not a Good Day..

Today isn't a very good day. My mom woke me up this morning and told me that my Grandpa, whom I love more than anything, asked to be taken to a Hospice. (If you don't know what that is, it's where people go to be on their deathbed. Most that go there die within a few days or a week.) He has been struggling with cancer for a while now, about two years, and he's also a preacher. Knowing that he has a good relationship with the Lord comforts me, but no one wants a loved one to die. As of now he's just laying down, but i know that he's suffering and it really hurts me. I know for a fact that this week is going to be very hard for me to get through and i just can't talk about it. That's why I'm writing this today. If i actually said out loud how i felt, the tears would come streaming down. I don't even think I'll be able to to talk to my best friend about it. My Papa has always been the rock in my family, and it will be a tremendous loss if we lose him. I can't write anymore. Just pray for me and my family.

With Love and Inspiration,


Short & Sweet

Hey, its you know who! I'm afriad this is gonna be a little short..so don't miss it! It's kind of late and my inspiration mode is currently off.lol. I'm excited about my first blog and I hope I can reach a lot of people with my words. I don't think I ever realized how much I enjoy writing until now, due to a year full of AP English essays. [several per week :( ] . But when I choose to write on my own, its pure bliss :)). Right now all I can tell you is, I have alot to say, so be ready.. as long as you allow yourself to consume the truth, I'll keep servin it upp.

Eat up darlings,
