school has started and its alright. my classes are still a little strange to me but il be fine. Senior year has yet to be live but its just around the corner --->>> hopefully. I find myself less into the whole friends thing latelyy lol..not to say ive forgotten about them cuz i still have my same ones :) but all the sudden i could care less if someone doesnt like me, which is another good change that has taken place for me. Had practice for the live video announcements today in our BOMB studio. im a little unimpressed about the fact that the other anchor seems to have the upperhand with our teacher.. Biases can help AND hurt you. But whatever.. im happy as long as i dont become the token black girl. which i already may be lol.
So theres this guy...who i like alot . . . thats all you get ;]
as for homework: no comment. Very overloaded.
My duel credit gov teacher uses my precious class time to bash obama..which is starting to realllyyyyy piss me off big time. Im the only black person in there(and probably not the only obama supporter) and it urks me when he brings up the fact that our school area is "mostly a conservative republic." trick that has nothing to do with some people. Im a proud democrat and my parents are to. way to ruin my mornings Mr. Idiot. But anyways. i need to find my dream college! and soon! If anyone wants to write my essay, contact me! lol
juuuuuuuuust figured out u can comment blogs =p