Aug 1, 2009


Don't you hate when the few times you decide to go to walmart lookin a lil ratch is when you run into someone? gosh. that happened to me today. I had to get like two things so for once i decided there was no need to get spruced up for the store. and as im in the self-checkout finishing things up, by walks a [male]"fellow-student" of mine that i havent seen since school let out. might not seem like a whammy to you, but if i havent seen someone in a good minute, i would rather them see me looking snazzy, as i always do lol. I had just washed my hair and blow dryed it, and skipped straightening. any black girl knows thats a no-no. lol. smh. anyways, thats just a update on my day.. later.

best look wishes,

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